About Our Founder

Christina Collins, M. S. S. is a Health and Physical Education Teacher, Vegetarian, Boy Mom X 2, Ultra Endurance Athlete, and Keynote Speaker. Christina has 60+credits above her Masters In Psychology of Behavior Change and Growth Mindset. Her Master of Sports Science Degree is from the United States Sports Academy with a concentration in Personal Training and she earned a (B.S.) Bachelor of Science in Physical Education, minor in Psychology and cross endorsement as a Health Educator while playing collegiate level Volleyball. She is currently conquering her Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership while advocating for classroom movement mandates. Christina also enjoys teaching as a professor in the MAT P.E. and Sport Pedagogy program at Manhattanville University. 

She is a Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor certified by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) for over a decade. She is a certified Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) Running Coach too! Additionally, Christina is a certified and practicing Life Coach, Schwinn Certified Spin Instructor, a certified SurfSet Fitness Trainer and Stand Up Paddle Board (SUP) Certified Instructor.

Her hobbies and interests include Marathons, Triathlons/Half-Irons, Obstacle Course Races, Weight Lifting and Athletic Conditioning, Kayaking, Rock Climbing (Belay Certified), Cycling, Hiking, Yoga, Reading, and Smiling, ultra-marathons, marathons, triathlons/half irons.